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Redcon1 reformulates Mental Trigger without Noopept

Mental Trigger

Redcon1 has launched a new version of its energy and focus formula Mental Trigger, which we recently reviewed as a powerful mental accelerator. There has actually only been one change made to the supplement, and that is the removal of one of its seven ingredients.

Redcon1 Mental Trigger now no longer features 20mg of the focus feature Noopept. The other six ingredients in the product have been kept exactly the same with 250mg of caffeine, 100mg of hesperdin, 50mg of TeaCrine theacrine, 35mg of mucuna pruriens, 30mg of alpha GPC, and 5mg of BioPerine black pepper.

Mental Trigger

After finding out exactly how well Redcon1’s Mental Trigger performs, we wouldn’t be surprised if its loss of Noopept does change the overall experience. Fortunately, if it does alter it at all we don’t imagine it being by too much, so fans of the mind accelerating supplement will still likely enjoy it.

As mentioned Redcon1 has already launched its updated Mental Trigger this week, with its website now listing the new version, presumably meaning that is the version you’ll get if you purchase it.

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