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iSatori starts its Grind Series with the testosterone formula 17-Beta

iSatori 17-Beta

iSatori has introduced an all-new maximum strength testosterone supplement this week called 17-Beta. The product is the first release from the brand’s also new Grind Series, which features a pretty full on combination of muscle building ingredients.

Like a lot of other competitors in the testosterone and muscle building category, the new iSatori 17-Beta promotes an exciting list of effects. The supplement promises the usual, possible increase in testosterone and decrease in estrogen, intended to help with strength gains, increased muscle mass, and improved sex drive.

Variety of natural ingredients

iSatori has loaded up its first Grind Series product with a mix of over ten different natural ingredients. Some of the biggest highlights from the complete iSatori 17-Beta formula include 50mg of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) for testosterone support, as well as 600mg of fenugreek to also help with testosterone.

iSatori 17-Beta

A few other notable features in iSatori 17-Beta that we don’t know the doses of are mucuna pruriens, ashwagandha, DIM (diindolylmethane), and bulbine natalensis. The common testosterone ingredient d-aspartic acid is also in there, although it does appear to be dosed quite light compared to the 3g+ we’ve seen in a lot of competitors, at under a gram per serving.

$43 for a month supply

Any iSatori fans interested in purchasing the new muscle building formula 17-Beta can now do so through the brand’s website at The price on the full on supplement isn’t too bad at $42.99 per bottle, and that is for an entire month’s supply, unlike iSatori’s Rapid-Test that only has 21 servings per bottle.

More Grind Series?

As exciting as the launch of iSatori 17-Beta is, we are left curious about what else the brand plans on introducing in its new Grind Series. It looks like any products in the line will be far from mainstream or basic, so we’re definitely looking forward to seeing more from the series.