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4+ introduces Double Cookie, its Oreo style protein cookie

4 Plus Double Cookie

While 4+ Nutrition isn’t a brand you’re going to find in the US, it is easily one of the most creative supplement companies we post about at Stack3d. 4+ is in fact an Italian brand that has recently added another delightful little snack to its growing line-up called Double Cookie.

As you can easily figure out from its name, one of the latest releases from 4+ Nutrition is a cookie product that’s packed with a small dose of protein. Unlike most protein cookies, this one appears to be focused more on feeling like your typical Oreo cookie built with a top, bottom, and a creamy filling in between.

Despite looking like quite the treat, the macros behind the new 4+ Nutrition Double Cookie are relatively solid. Each two cookie serving provides 12g of protein from a mix of soy, milk, and egg protein, as well as hydrolyzed gelatin. The other important numbers are a light 3.4g of carbohydrates with 200mg of that sugar, 4.4g of fiber, 7.2g of fat (3.9g saturated), for an impressive 132 calories.

4 Plus Double Cookie

For those who prefer their protein snacks nutritionally higher in the area of 20 to 25g of protein, you can simply double all of the numbers above for a four cookie serving. That’d give you 24g of protein, 6.8g of carbs, 8.8g of fiber, 14.4g of fat, for a protein bar like 264 calories.

The new 4+ Nutrition Double Cookie is already out and available in Europe, and can of course also be purchased directly through the brand’s online store. A full box will cost you €10 with 10 cookies in each box, and just the one Cookie Cream flavor to choose from.