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Real Weights For Real Heroes presented by Tiger Fitness

Real Weights For Real Heroes

In a little over one month’s time, Marc Lobliner and Tiger Fitness are hosting a massive fitness charity event called Real Weights For Real Heroes. It is going to give everyone attending the chance to meet, greet, and lift with a variety of fitness celebrities.

The growing list of names you can expect to see at the event currently includes Chris Jones from Pump Chasers, Allan Roberts of Every Damn Day Fitness, BIOS3 Training Jerry Ward. The ranting sensation Robert Frank, Primeval Labs’ powerlifter KC “That1legmonster” Mitchell, and of course the machine himself, Marc Lobliner.

All proceeds from the fitness charity event are going to the Semper Fi Fund, with Tiger Fitness taking care of everything to do with setup and Powerstation Gym donating its gym for the day. The event will involve deadlift, bench press, push up, and pull up contests from 10AM to 1PM, open lifting from 1PM to 4PM, then at 4PM a silent auction to raise even more money.

If this sounds like something you’d like to attend you’re going to need to be at the Powerstation Gym in Middletown, Ohio on Saturday the 19th of August. To be able to get in the doors you’ll have to have prepaid a minimum donation of $20 through the event’s page at You’ll then need to print out your receipt or have it available to show at Powerstation Gym.

For those that can’t make the event, you can still donate through as Tiger Fitness and Marc Lobliner aim to raise their goal of $50,000.

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