Optimum Nutrition recently introduced its first new flavor for its deliciously promoted Protein Cake Bites with Chocolate Frosted Donut. While the brand’s first three flavors didn’t turn out to be as great as we had hoped, we decided to pick up a handful of the Chocolate Donut Cake Bites for review.
First three Cake Bites opinion
The main issue we have with the first three Optimum Cake Bites released is that they aren’t as treat or cake like as we expected. They taste more like a protein bar broken up into three pieces, with a lightly flavored, doughy middle, and a thin, solid outer layer. While some people may like that sort of thing, we prefer a lot more flavor to our snacks.

Thoughts on Chocolate Donut
With Chocolate Frosted Donut we were hoping for something better than any of Optimum’s first three flavors, Chocolate Dipped Cherry, Birthday Cake, and Red Velvet. The main reason we felt that would be achievable was due to the new flavor being all about chocolate, something we didn’t get with any of the originals. The release also looks the part with its hard chocolate topped with rainbow sprinkles.
The overall build of the Optimum Cake Bites is still pretty much the same with Chocolate Frosted Donut. It has a chewy although slightly fluffy center that’s light on flavor, then on the outside a solid but thin layer, which is where the chocolate flavor comes from. Due however to the outside not being all that thick, you don’t really get too much chocolate flavor from it.

Better protein bar options
The new Chocolate Frosted Donut Cake Bites are unfortunately the same as Chocolate Dipped Cherry, Birthday Cake, and Red Velvet. The main body is just too dense with a plain, doughy taste to it, and with the outer layer being so thin, you don’t get a lot of time to enjoy the chocolate flavor.
Optimum doesn’t really do a lot with its Protein Cake Bites to make them better than some of the much more delicious protein bars on the market. Products like ProSupps’ MyBar and Grenade’s Carb Killa do still have that traditionally dense middle. They have however managed to soften it up and make it worthwhile by surrounding it with things like gooey caramel, crunchy crisps, and significantly thicker real chocolate like outsides.
It is also worth mentioning that if you are a fan of the first three Optimum Cake Bites, you may want to give the Chocolate Frosted Donut a try. While they didn’t manage to impress us, if you like the originals, seeing as the new addition has a similar build and combination of flavor, you’ll likely to enjoy this one as well.