To get everyone ready for the release of its upcoming Genius Joy mood enhancement supplement, Genius has passed on everything you need to know about it . The product is definitely a nice change of pace from all of the pre-workouts, proteins, and fat burners we usually see, with Genius Joy simply being about feeling good.
Genius Joy promotes a number of unique benefits, the most important of which is right in its title, improved mood and feeling more joyful. The other effects Genius highlights for the supplement include reduced mental and physical stress, improved focus and mood stabilization, and better thinking, concentration, and memory.

To ensure Genius Joy comes through on its enjoyable experience, it features a handful of vitamins and minerals alongside seven main ingredients. Making up the product’s formula is a gram of SAMe (s-adenosyl methionine) and 100mg of HTPurity 5-HTP for mood, 350mg of n-acetyl l-tyrosine, 300mg of Rhodiola5Plus branded rhodiola. 250mg of red panax ginseng responsible for improved memory and concentration, 100mg of NeuroFactor, and 100mg of TheaKalm theanine for reduced stress.
Genius is currently listing its unique Genius Joy as launching sometime soon, coming in the one 100 capsule bottle, supplying 25, four capsule servings. While we don’t know for sure, if the mood enhancing supplement is anything like the last few Genius releases you can expect to see it available first at Amazon.