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GlycerPump powered GlycerMax coming next month from Performax Labs

Performax Labs has announced that it’s launching an all-new basic style supplement that’s stackable with any of its three pre-workout formulas. It is a pump enhancing product called GlycerMax and features just the one ingredient similar to the brand’s creatine CreMax and glutamine GlutMax.

The one ingredient in Performax Labs upcoming GlycerMax is the more stable GlycerPump glycerol that is said to have no clumping, improved mixability, and better flavoring ability. The brand has dosed it at 2g per serving, and as mentioned it can be stacked with Performax’s pre-workouts HyperMax, StimMax, and VasoMax for added muscle pumps.

GlycerMax is due to launch somewhere around the end of next month with the Performax Labs website likely to be one of the first places to get it. It’ll have 45 servings per tub and come in an unflavored powder making it an easy supplement to stack with other pre-workouts.