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Black Market and Inspired unveil their collaboration DVST8 STIM

dvst8 stim

The original underground supplement company Black Market, and the reputable Inspired Nutraceuticals, have officially unveiled the result of their collaboration. As suspected, the two powerhouse brands have come together to create a supplement combining their individual personalities.

The product from Black Market and Inspired is DVST8 STIM, which is a mix of their own pre-workout names, STIM being from Black Market and DVST8 from Inspired. The no doubt powerful pre-workout is said to the fusion of STIM’s energy and focus and DVST8’s legendary performance and endurance.

The only ingredients we can confirm for the formula so far are 6mcg of huperzine A and 5mg of yohimbine HCl. Those two are actually a part of DVST8 STIM’s much larger stimulant blend weighing in at 1.612g per serving. Each serving tips the scales at a total of 14.5g, so there are, of course, many more ingredients outside of that blend.

A lot more information along with the availability of Black Market and Inspired’s DVST8 STIM is due to drop before the end of the month. It is expected to be completely unveiled sometime next week, at which time the supplement will also be made available for pre-order.