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Pumped Sports confirms a hybrid pre-workout for pump and focus

pumped sports pump pre-workout

Following its unveiling of the impressive reformulation of it’s pre-workout Loaded, Pumped Sports has announced the next supplement it’s already working on. The upcoming product is also for the pre-workout category, however its benefits are slightly different from that of Loaded’s.

The next Pumped Sports supplement will be stimulant free and designed to deliver in two areas with better muscle pumps as well as enhanced mental focus. We’re not sure when the brand plans on dropping it’s hybrid pump and focus product, but it is going to be stackable with the new Loaded.

Pumped Sports confirmed it’s plans for the new pre-workout in the return episode of our Stack3d podcast. You can catch the first episode over on SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Podcasts, and YouTube, and be sure to subscribe on your preferred platform as we have more episodes on the way.

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