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Details surface on more supplements from the Amazon brand Rawjuvenate

rawjuvenate keto meal

While Rawjuvenate may be one of the newest Amazon brands to become available and with a wide variety of supplements, there are already details on more products from the brand. We recently introduced Rawjuvenate and its plant-based family of supplements which consists of over ten different items.

We’ve now got information on another four products that are coming soon from Rawjuvenate that carry on that plant-based theme. Half of the items are basic type supplements with the aloe only formula Raw Super Aloe, and Curcumin Turmeric featuring a combination of turmeric and the absorption enhancer black pepper.

rawjuvenate bhb exogenous ketones

The other new Rawjuvenate products include BHB Exogenous Ketones which brings together a solid 12g of BHB ketones, MCTs, and 100mg of caffeine for energy. Lastly is Keto Meal, a keto and vegan-friendly meal supplement made with coconut milk, MCT oil, kale, spinach, and for high protein; pea and hemp.

We’re not sure when Rawjuvenate is due to launch Raw Super Aloe, Curcumin Turmeric, Keto Meal, or BHB Exogenous Ketones, only that they’re all coming soon. Meanwhile, you can check out the brand’s already large lineup over on Amazon including unique items like Keto Protein and Adaptogen Protein.