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Triglyceride form fish oil supplement joins SINOB’s Core Series

sinob core omega 3

The German company Sh*t Is Not Your Business, more simply known as SINOB, has introduced a new product this week for its SINOB Core Series. The brand’s Core family is a collection of simple supplements including single-ingredient powders such as citrulline malate, creatine, and arginine.

SINOB’s newest addition to its Core Series explains most of itself in its name with Core Omega 3. It is indeed an omega-3 formula made with high-quality fish oil in its more bioavailable triglyceride form. Each of the product’s softgels comes with a gram of fish oil, providing 180mg of EPA and 120mg of DHA.

Fans of SINOB can grab its new Core Series supplement starting today through its online store at with Core Omega 3 priced at €15.90 (17.70 USD).

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