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Apollos Mastermind Review: Moderate energy with powerful cognition and focus

apollos mastermind review

Over the past year or so, we’ve shared news on a lot of interesting and exciting supplements from the European brand Apollos Hegemony. One of those many products was the nootropic formula Mastermind, which was completely unveiled in September of last year and then went on to hit the market in the weeks to follow.

Like several of Apollos Hegemony’s supplements, Mastermind features a strong mix of ingredients, including 600mg of alpha-GPC, half a gram of lion’s mane, and a gram of acetyl-l-tyrosine. The product also features caffeine with 200mg per serving, which is right around our preferred amount for outside of the gym.

apollos mastermind review


Over the past month, we’ve been using Apollos Hegemony’s Mastermind here and there, and are extremely pleased that this is the first supplement we’ve ever reviewed from the brand. Simply put, Mastermind does not disappoint. At its full 6.4g serving size, the product gives you every benefit and effect you could want out of a top-quality nootropic.

Nothing in Apollos Hegemony’s Mastermind is hard-hitting or over the top; both the energy and focus are smooth and gradual, and climb to incredibly effective levels. The focus and cognition in the supplement are slightly more powerful than the energy, although that side is far from disappointing, filling your body and jolting you awake with about the same energy as a Monster Ultra.

apollos mastermind review

What makes Mastermind such a spectacular product is, as mentioned, the mental focus benefits. The Apollos Hegemony supplement ramps up your brainpower and sees you thinking, working, creating, and learning efficiently and to the best of your ability. It gives you a sense of clarity and laser-like focus that just makes it easy to center your attention and efforts on individual tasks.

To make the experience Apollos Hegemony’s Mastermind provides even better, it lasts for quite some time with its effectiveness staying consistently strong. Multiple times we went hours with that noticeable uplift in focus, clarity, and cognition, and instead of just dropping off completely when the fun ends, it tapers out and fades relatively smoothly.

apollos mastermind review


While Apollos Hegemony may not be a brand everyone knows, mostly due to the fact that it’s only really available in Europe, Mastermind delivers an experience that competes with the best in growing focus category. The moderate energy and reliable increase in focus and cognition is a simple but powerful combination of effects that will ensure you get things done, and get them done efficiently.