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First look at OuttenFit’s upcoming UnFazed for stress, mood, sleep and more

outtenfit nutrition unfazed

OuttenFit Nutrition has announced an all-new supplement today for a category that you don’t see all that many companies getting into. The product is titled ‘UnFazed’, which is a flavored, stress and cortisol optimization formula featuring four main ingredients to help with stress, anxiety, mood, and sleep, for use by both men and women.

The combination of ingredients OuttenFit Nutrition has brought together in UnFazed starts with a solid half a gram of SerinAid branded phosphatidylserine to support cortisol levels. The other three features in the rather unique supplement are 300mg of rhodiola, and 50mg each of sceletium tortuosum and the absorption enhancer AstraGin.

OuttenFit Nutrition has not set a launch date for UnFazed just yet, although, with the formula finalized and a render of the product released, we can’t imagine it’s all that far away. As mentioned, UnFazed is a flavored supplement, and it is going to be available in a more protein powder-type taste with Ice Cream Sandwich.