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Grenade has put together a low sugar, salted caramel chocolate egg for Easter

grenade carb killa easter egg

Grenade has always been pretty entertaining when it comes to April Fools’ Day pranks and has come up with some creative concepts over the years. Fans of the brand may remember that back in 2017, it pranked everyone with a Carb Killa Easter Egg, which ironically is a product it has actually put together and is launching for Easter this year.

The UK-based brand has created a Carb Killa Easter Egg box set that comes with a large, low sugar, Salted Caramel-flavored chocolate egg. Also, inside the box are two of Grenade’s recently released Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel Carb Killa protein bars, giving you the chance to enjoy some low sugar chocolate and get in a bit of protein.

The Carb Killa Easter Egg is going to be available through Grenade’s UK website at a price of £9.99 (12.26 USD). We’re not sure when exactly it is due to launch, but with Easter just under a month away, we suspect it’ll drop sometime within the next few weeks.