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Glazed Sprinkled Donut flavor coming to Battle Bites in September

glazed sprinkled donut battle bites

Battle Bites is one of the tastiest protein bars out there, from the functional food brand Battle Snacks. The product has held a place on our list of top five protein bars a few times, and has yet to come out with a flavor we didn’t like. Next month Battle Snacks is launching another option for its top-tasting Battle Bites, and based on its reputation and name; it sounds it is going to be quite the treat.

The new flavor the UK brand is releasing in the month of September is a Glazed Sprinkled Donut Battle Bites. The product will provide a combined 20g of protein from its two half-size bars per pack, and despite all of the flavor it’ll undoubtedly deliver, it has only 3g of sugar. Once again, Battle Snack’s Glazed Sprinkled Donut is due to arrive in a few weeks, closer to the end of next month.