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Promising two-piece Skinny Food protein bar now just a few weeks away

skinny duo bar

This week we did another interview edition of our Stack3d podcast available on iTunes, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, where we sat down with one of the co-founders of The Skinny Food Co. It has been absolutely amazing watching the functional food brand grow over the past year, so we wanted to dig a little deeper and find out a bit more about it.

In our Interview with Wayne from The Skinny Food Co, we cover how the brand actually only begun in 2018, the idea behind some of the interesting products it’s put together, and what’s to come. When talking about what’s in the works and coming soon, we get confirmation that next month The Skinny Food Co is planning to drop its long-awaited and promising protein bar.

The Skinny Duo Bar was first mentioned back at the beginning of August but wasn’t followed up with any additional information. In our latest Stack3d podcast interview, Wayne reveals the product is a two-piece protein bar, with two bite-sized bars per pack. Each of those bars has just 99 calories, so a total of 198 when eating the pair and a combined 12g of protein.

As mentioned, The Skinny Food Co should have its Skinny Duo Bar out next month, and in the three flavors previewed in August with Chocolate Brownie, Cookies & Cream, and Salted Caramel. The UK brand promises a truly delicious experience with something appealing to regular protein bar eaters and mainstream consumers, so it’ll be interesting to see how it turns out.