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Callowfit puts all 14 of its low-calorie sauces into convenient sachets

callowfit low-calorie sauce sachets

The European functional brand Callowfit, who we met at last year’s FIBO Expo in Germany, is all about delicious, low-calorie sauces and has just gone The Skinny Food Co route with its latest effort. Basically, each and every one of the sauces in the brand’s extensive lineup has been put together in compact and convenient 20ml sachets for you to take with you wherever you go.

This was something The Skinny Food Co did earlier this year for its Skinny Sauce and Syrup, which we thought was one of the most creative concepts we had seen in the functional space for some time. As mentioned, Callowfit has done the same for its range of low-calorie sauces for all 14 flavors, from Fancy Garlic and Smoky BBQ to the dessert-themed Chocolate and Salty Caramel.

The single-serving 20ml sachets are perfect for taking with you to work, school, throw in your meal prep bag, or out to a restaurant. We also think they’re a great fit for healthier fast-food restaurants, whether they’re free or available as an add-on. Either way, you can grab the Callowfit sachets from its website, although you do need to buy in bulk with boxes of 90 at €32.25 (38.13 USD).

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