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Selection Series puts a premium spin on 4+ Nutrition’s Temptation Creamy

4 nutrition temptation creamy selection series

Over Christmas, Italian brand 4+ Nutrition released two special edition flavors of its tasty, high-protein, low-sugar spread, Temptation Creamy, with the sweet Italian breads, Panettone and Pandoro. This month the brand in bright yellow is back with more excitement for Temptation Creamy by way of a completely new collection of flavors for the product.

4+ Nutrition has introduced its Temptation Creamy Selection Series, a family of three premium flavors, promising a richer, more decadent flavor. They’re all still high in protein and low in sugar but have slightly more carbohydrates overall. The three promising flavors are Supreme Tiramisu, Red Fruits Cheesecake, and the classic combination of Chocolate Hazelnut.

All of 4+ Nutrition’s Temptation Creamy Selection Series flavors are available now through its online store and cost a little more than the regular options at €14 (16.55 USD) for a 300g jar.