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Apollon begins beta testing yet another new and improved version of Assassin

apollon nutrition assassin v7

If you didn’t know by now, Apollon Nutrition is one of the most consistently evolving companies out there, reformulating and relaunching its flagship supplements like clockwork. It is roughly year after year the hardcore brand updates the likes of Assassin, Hooligan, Overtime, and others, all for the better with more ingredients and stronger dosages.

It was actually around this time last year, Apollon Nutrition announced the next edition of its intense, stimulant-heavy pre-workout Assassin, one of the most potent products in the category. The brand has now revealed it is once again working on an improved Assassin for an even more intense experience, which will be the seventh iteration of the supplement.

Apollon Nutrition has not shared much information about version seven of Assassin, previewing only a beta sample that lists a serving size 10% larger than its predecessor. While that doesn’t confirm anything specifically, it does suggest the brand is cramming more into Assassin V7, which will be interesting, especially since it’s a high-stimulant product.

As mentioned, Apollon Nutrition is only at the beta sample stage of its new and improved Assassin, so, unfortunately, it may be some time before this one comes to market but it’s never too early to get excited.