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SST Energy Seltzer arrives online and at GNC with Pro Access exclusivity

where to buy performix sst energy seltzer

Performix made a lot of noise last month when it announced its return to the energy drink category, mostly due to how different a beverage the brand has put together. Performix’s first drink since its original SST and ISO beverages from 2017 is SST Energy Seltzer, a refreshing, zero-calorie seltzer featuring ingredients for energy, focus, and fat loss, including a strong 300mg of caffeine.

Performix’s exciting and long-awaited SST Energy Seltzer is now available for purchase through its online store in packs of 12 at $34.99. It is also available from its retail partner GNC through for slightly cheaper at $29.99 per case. The only downside with the GNC availability of SST Energy Seltzer is it’s exclusive to members of its Pro Access program, but only until the 17th, which is tomorrow.

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