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Myprotein puts together Strawberry Laces flavors for its Command gaming products

myprotein strawberry laces command

Command is Myprotein’s line of gaming supplements, made up of two products at the moment in an energy and focus enhancing powder supplement and a similarly designed beverage. The Command family launched with four flavors for the powder and two for the drink, although they’re both now increasing their menus by one thanks to the brand’s latest effort.

Myprotein has put together a sweet candy-inspired flavor called Strawberry Laces for the Command supplement and Command energy drink. If that flavor sounds at all familiar, especially to fans of Myprotein, that’s because it did just come out with it for its clear and refreshing Clear Whey Isolate protein powder, but as a collaboration with its ambassador Matt Morsia.

So far, we’ve only seen pictures of Myprotein’s Strawberry Laces Command beverage, although as for the series’ nootropic product, that is in stock and available. You won’t actually find the Strawberry Laces Command supplement over at; you need to go to the line’s dedicated online store at, where it’ll cost you £32.99 a tub.

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