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HR Labs revamp its amino No Code now with Aquamin and better flavors

Hr Labs No Code V2

Available for purchase later this week through HR Labs’ online store, is a new and improved version of the reputable UK supplement company’s EAA-based amino No Code. The brand has appropriately named the product No Code V2, which still has the same main ingredients and intended benefits, with a few tweaks here and there to make it deserving of that V2 title.

HR Labs’ No Code V2 maintains the original’s solid 10g dose of all nine EAAs to support muscle recovery, although this time it does not have Amino9, as the brand has replaced it with its own ratio of EAAs. Like its predecessor, the supplement also has 1.5g of HICA, 750mg of phosphatidic acid, and 50mg of the premium and reliable absorption enhancing ingredient AstraGin.

Hr Labs No Code V2 Label

Lastly, HR Labs has added a few branded electrolyte sources to support hydration with half a gram each of Aquamin F, Aquamin MG, and Cocomineral coconut water, none of which were in the first version. One more area the brand has tweaked for No Code V2, outside of its formula, is the flavor department, with HR Labs making it sound like a night and day difference.

As mentioned, HR Labs’ No Code V2 will be available for purchase directly from its website later this week, with shipping of the supplement taking place on Monday of next week. The price of the amino product has come down quite a lot, too, from its original £44.95 to £36.99 (48.85 USD) with the same 30 servings per tub in the two new tastes, Jelly Bros and Cherry Bubblegum.