The advanced sports nutrition supplement company Anabolic Warfare recently released a flavored version of its potent fat burner Phena-Lean with a few changes in formula, although still built to support weight loss. The brand has followed that up with an all-new product that helps you go in the other direction with the muscle-building formula Project Hulk.
While the name doesn’t scream it like most of the many other turkesterone-based supplements that have hit the market recently, Anabolic Warfare’s Project Hulk is indeed precisely that. The product features that typical half a gram dose of ajuga turkestanica — standardized to 10% turkesterone — plus 5mg of BioPerine to improve absorption.

Both of those ingredients and dosages mentioned are what you get in a single capsule serving of Project Hulk, with Anabolic Warfare putting 60 capsules in a full-size bottle. That is enough to provide you a solid one gram of turkesterone or ajuga turkestanica a day to support muscle strength and size, and get you through an entire month.
Anabolic Warfare’s all-new Project Hulk is now available through its official online store at $49.99, which is around the same as many other turkesterone supplements packing that half a gram a capsule. The brand isn’t running any kind of deal to celebrate the launch, although it does have free shipping on orders over $49, which Project Hulk qualifies for.