Over the years since being known as Cobra Labs, JNX Sports has mostly stuck to stimulant-powered supplements and categories, from its original hit pre-workout The Curse to its more recent capsule fat burner, The Omen. In the next couple of months, the brand’s many stores and stockists are going to be getting an entirely new product from JNX, and it’s for a category it has yet to enter.
The Jinx is the first-ever amino supplement from JNX Sports, featuring a simple and transparent combination of ingredients to support muscle recovery, hydration, and performance. Each serving of the product comes with 5g of BCAAs at the usual 2:1:1 ratio, breaking down into 2.5g of leucine and 1.25g each of isoleucine and valine, a gram of taurine, coconut water, vitamin C and B vitamins.

With two pre-workouts in The Curse and The Shadow, and two weight loss supplements in The Ripper and The Omen, an amino product is a good fit for the still relatively small JNX Sports lineup. As mentioned, fans can look forward to seeing The Jinx in stores soon with the usual 30 servings per tub and in three flavors; Lemon Lime, Watermelon, and a traditional Blue Raspberry.