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Second exhibitor reveal for the Stack3d Expo confirms another eight big brands

Stacked Expo Second Round

Following last week’s update, where we revealed eight of the almost 50 brands that will be exhibiting at this year’s Stack3d Supplement Expo kicking off July 11th, we have another eight to share with you. As mentioned, there will be around 50 brands exhibiting at our online-exclusive event this year, all bringing something fun, exciting, and interactive to the Stack3d Expo.

The second round of exhibitors for the Stack3d Supplement Expo includes the always-busy Arms Race Nutrition, Primeval Labs, the international giant USN, and the functional brand Fit Crunch. The other four are the long-running and reliable VMI Sports, the legacy Canadian company PVL, the maker of the top-rated HyperMax in Performax Labs, and the ever-evolving Naughty Boy.

Again, all of the sports nutrition brands and ingredient companies exhibiting at the Stack3d Supplement Expo will have booths filled with information, reveals, releases, deals, potentially teasers, giveaways, and more. The event will be live on Monday the 11th of July and run for seven days until the following Sunday, and it will be available to anyone anywhere at

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