Pre Focus + Pump is Supplement Needs’ combination pre-workout which brings together the reliable ingredients and dosages of the two individual products, Pre Focus and Pre Pump. The supplement was actually produced and introduced at last year’s Fit Xpo in a limited Zombie Bite and was followed by a couple of other special edition flavors, including Monster Blood for the Arnold UK and Elf Candy Surprise for Christmas.
In a couple of months, the Arnold UK is taking place once again in Birmingham, and Supplement Needs has announced those returning or visiting the event for the first time will be treated to something special. While the reputable brand and retailer has not announced exactly what the product is, it has confirmed it’ll be selling a completely new and limited flavor of the loaded Pre Focus + Pump exclusively at the Arnold UK.
As soon as the flavor is revealed, we’ll be sure to share it, and we’ll also be at the Arnold UK this year to check out the undoubtedly enjoyable flavor firsthand. As far as we know, the supplement will feature all of the same ingredients and dosages as the previously released options of Pre Focus + Pump.