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Oshee is giving away a 2,500zł tattoo voucher to celebrate its Tattoo Edition Vitamin Waters

Oshee Vitamin Water Tattoo Edition

Functional beverage brand Oshee, known throughout and available in many European countries, has put together two special edition flavors of one of its many drinks named Vitamin Water. The product is true to its name, and is designed as an on-the-go beverage and a reliable source of vitamins and minerals, with zero sugar, carbohydrates, or calories, making it all about its health and wellness supporting ingredients.

Oshee’s special edition flavors of Vitamin Water come under what it calls the Tattoo Edition, as they both feature tattoo artwork on their labels, as opposed to the much more informative and text-filled design the beverage usually has. As mentioned, there are two flavors in the Tattoo Edition line, one is pink-themed with a Lychee Lemon combination, and the other is orange with the citrusy recipe Orange Calamansi.

As far as we know, both Lychee Lemon and Orange Calamansi Vitamin Waters have all of the same ingredients and dosages as the beverage’s other flavors, and they’re out now in Europe. The brand is also hosting a giveaway on social media to celebrate, where if you comment what kind of tattoo you want, you’ll go in the draw to win a voucher for 2,500zł (525.66 USD) with famed tattoo artist Michał Wurszt.

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