We recently got a taste of the kinds of formulas we’re going to be getting from Frank “Wrath” McGrath’s upcoming sports nutrition brand Wrath Performance, with a preview of its pump pre-workout Pump Capsules. The brand confirmed a relatively simple and straightforward combination of betaine, agmatine, VasoDrive, RhodioPrime, and pine bark, with nothing dosed too high, such as betaine at a single gram.
Frank “Wrath” McGrath has now shared the formula behind its Wrath Performance product for during your workout in the category-named Wrath Intra. Much like Pump Capsules, Intra doesn’t feature a lengthy list of ingredients with three key components, all reasonably dosed and ideal for during exercise to support and improve recovery, performance, and endurance.
Wrath Performance’s Intra comes with a solid 20g of the premium pea-sourced Carb10, providing 17g of carbohydrates, 5g of InstAminos BCAAs at the usual 2:1:1 ratio, and lastly, 5g of glutamine. Again, it’s not an absolutely packed-out intra-workout, but it has plenty to get the job done. The sizeable amount of Carb10 will help fuel your workout; then, you have the amino acids to support muscle recovery.
Alongside the reveal of its Intra formula, Wrath Performance has confirmed that the long-awaited brand from Frank “Wrath” McGrath will finally become available at the end of this month, right on Halloween. Everything will be going live on the website wrathx.com, including the simply named Intra, Pump Capsules, and the brand’s stimulant pre-workout, which we don’t have details on yet.