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More than 140 protein powders to vote on in the first round of Protein Wars X

Protein Wars Opening Round

The opening round of the 2022 and our tenth annual protein powder showdown, the Protein Wars, is now live and open for voting at The first round is running the same as most years, where we have all of the entered supplements listed and available to vote on, and this time around, that includes over 140 competitors, from long-running legacy products to fresh newcomers.

Round one is running from today through until midnight this coming Sunday, and absolutely anyone, anywhere in the world, is welcome to visit and show their support for the protein powder they love. You can vote once per round, and once per group per round in the quarterfinals and semifinals, with the most voted 16 from the first round progressing to the quarterfinals.

We do want to keep the Protein Wars honest and organic, so as in previous years and competitions, we ask that brands not offer products and prizes in exchange for votes. If you do see this sort of thing happening, please reach out to us on any of our social media platforms or directly through our contact form.

The Protein Wars has been a fun and engaging competition throughout the years, and as mentioned, in 2022, it is the impressive tenth time we’ve held it. We’ve had several champions but only a couple of repeat winners, with popular supplements like Pro Jym, Machine Whey, RYSE Loaded Protein, Cor Whey, Ghost Whey, MAN’s ISO-Protein, and Nutrabio Whey Isolate taking home the crown.

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