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Eastery flavor comes to Believe’s isolate protein powder a few weeks out from Easter

Believe Creme Egg Flavored Isolate

It’s always enjoyable seeing supplement companies and functional brands show their fun side and put together something new, creative, and special edition for an occasion. Over the past month or so, we’ve seen that from several notable names for Easter, including the likes of Myprotein and Mountain Joe’s, and this week it’s Canada’s Believe Supplements getting in on the action with an Easter-themed flavor.

With only a few weeks before the weekend itself, Believe Supplements has revealed and released an Eastery flavor for its premium and lean protein powder, Flavored Isolate, powered, of course, by whey isolate. The flavor appears to be inspired by the classic Cadbury Creme Egg, or at least that’s what the graphics and the name suggest in Creme Egg, packing 25g of protein in a serving with no carbohydrates or fat.

Believe Supplements is planning to launch its Easter-themed Creme Egg Flavored Isolate protein powder this Monday, still leaving you plenty of time to get it in your hands before Easter weekend rolls around.