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Teaser from Fresh hints at more flavors for its pre-workout or another supplement

Fresh Supps Mystery Flavors Or Product

The still relatively fresh and new — no pun intended — sports nutrition company Fresh Supplements still has the same two supplements it launched with in the EAA-powered Fresh Amino and the balanced Fresh Preworkout. In several weeks, on the 20th of next month, the brand is adding to its small but growing selection of products with two new drops, although we’re not entirely sure what those upcoming items are going to be.

Fresh Supplements has shared the teaser image you can see above, where we get a shadowed look at two bottled supplements, which could be one of two things. We suspect they could be new flavors of the already available pre-workout, as it does say 40 servings, like Fresh Preworkout, whereas Fresh Amino has 30. Either that, or it’s a completely new product, with maybe a stackable pump pre-workout, hence the matching servings.

Either way you go, fans of the newcomer Fresh Supplements are getting something exciting next month, and that is certainly impressive since the brand only came to market in the last few months. We always prefer to see some innovation and a brand add another complex or advanced supplement to its lineup, but we suspect they’re Preworkout flavor extensions.

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