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Pump and performance stepped up in V1 Nutra’s high-stimulant pre-workout

V1 Nutra V1x Prodigy

The fast-growing newcomer and always-exciting V1 Nutra is winding up for some major drops, including V1X Prodigy, a new version of its previously released, higher stimulant pre-workout V1X featuring the likes of eria jarensis, isopropylnorsynephrine, alpha yohimbine, and, of course, caffeine. For 2024, the brand is reinvigorating the supplement, making several tweaks that include a continuation of a strong stimulant side but also an improvement on the pump and performance for a more comprehensive experience.

We’ve got the facts panel for V1 Nutra’s V1X Prodigy directly below, and as fans of the original can see, you get a good amount of energy and focus, but it is not as balanced to those benefits as much as the last version of V1X we saw. For the purpose of energy and focus, the brand has packed in a combined 375mg of caffeine from traditional anhydrous and Infinergy di-caffeine malate, 2g of tyrosine, a gram of choline bitartrate, half a gram of DMAE, 100mg each of premium CognatiQ and theobromine, SYNapsis synephrine and the always potent and hard-hitting alpha yohimbine at 2mg in a maximum serving.

V1 Nutra V1x Prodigy Label

Moving to the area that V1 Nutra has given a bit more attention to enhance muscle pumps and improve performance, there is a solid 8g of pure citrulline, not citrulline malate, a large 5g of beta-alanine, an equally high amount of betaine anhydrous at 4g, and 200mg of norvaline. There is also something called R3tonic in V1X Prodigy, which is a blend weighing in at 2.94g made up of creatine monohydrate, glutamine, and epicatechins; again, for the purpose of supporting better pumps, performance, and endurance.

V1 Nutra has found a nice balance for V1X Prodigy, genuinely delivering on its goal of adding more robust pump and performance to the experience while staying true to the high-stimulant approach the supplement is known for with that close to 400mg of caffeine, CognatiQ, and alpha yohimbine. The reworked pre-workout is rolling out to the market shortly in Jawz Breaker and Strawberry Margarita flavors with 40 regular and 20 maximum servings a tub, and you are only going to find this one in select retail partners.