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Redcon1 goes through and highlights some of Coach Prime’s favorite products

Redcon1 Coach Primes Select

Redcon1 shared a monumental announcement this week, with Deion Sanders not only coming on board the two-time Brand Of The Year winner but also becoming a part owner in a company that spans all sorts of categories, from protein powder and pre-workout to protein bars and energy drinks. There is a lot coming down the pipeline from the two, including a special edition flavor of the Redcon1 Energy Drink, called Primetime Punch, described as a fruit punch experience separate from anything else it already has on its menu.

Deion Sanders, Coach Prime himself, has obviously tried many of Redcon1’s products, potentially even all of them, and he thoroughly enjoyed them, which had to have played a role in his decision to become a part of the brand at the level he has. Redcon1 has since gone through and tagged some of Sanders’ favorite supplements, slapping them with the label “Coach Prime’s Select”, and that group includes Canteen, the protein powder MRE Lite, the MRE Bar, the stimulant pre-workout Total War, and the Redcon1 Energy Drink.

Those who have come to Redcon1, thanks to Deion Sanders and his recently announced association, will certainly appreciate the highlighting of the products he prefers and enjoys. Many of them make sense, seeing as he is a football coach, with the protein powder being an ideal supplement for after exercise for better recovery and muscle building, and the electrolyte-fueled Canteen, intended for during exercise to improve hydration and performance. You can check it all out for yourself at, and again, keep an eye out for the “Coach Prime’s Select” label on the brand’s top products, which also sits alongside a whistle.

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