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MuscleTech and Chef Rush make a hot sauce for April Fools’ Day using scorpion peppers

Muscletech X Chef Rush Scorpions Inferno

MuscleTech has become a guaranteed crowd-pleaser when it comes to April Fools’ Day, being a sports nutrition brand that has not only been around longer than almost everyone else but also one that’s been getting in on the fun of the day longer. This year, it is no different, with the innovator behind the iconic Nitro-Tech and Cell-Tech teaming up with its popular ambassador, Chef Rush, for a special edition hot sauce, or “extreme hot sauce,” as it says on its bottle, called Scorpion’s Inferno.

According to MuscleTech, its Chef Rush collaboration, Scorpion’s Inferno, measures a sizeable 700,000+ Scoville units, which is high but not outside of the world of reason, as a Carolina Reaper sits at 2,200,000. True to its name, the product is made with scorpion peppers to genuinely set your senses ablaze or, once more, true to its name, cause an inferno in your mouth. Having a chef on the team makes Scorpion’s Inferno an ideal collaboration, but unfortunately, this is indeed an April Fool’s prank.

As great as Scorpion’s Inferno extreme hot sauce sounds, especially with the involvement of Chef Rush, it is a joke but to reward you for going down the rabbit hole and buying into the fun, you can use the coupon code “GOTCHA30” at for 30% off everything available in the brand’s online store.