Hardcore supplement company Chaos and Pain has joined what has become a genuinely explosive category, revealing and releasing a competitor for the world of hydration. Carnal Hydration is the brand’s dog in the race, and it has taken a direct approach, not putting anything supremely extra into the formula, primarily focusing on components that support hydration. That does result in a more cost-effective product where you get a solid 60 servings a bottle, not 30, and it has a typical unit price tag.
Electrolytes are at the heart of Chaos and Pain’s Carnal Hydration, as with most hydration supplements, but again, it doesn’t extend beyond that, keeping the focus on the reliable set of electrolytes. The variety of ingredients the brand has brought together for the formula results in just over a gram of combined electrolytes. All of that breaks down into half a gram of potassium, 195mg of sodium, 300mg of chloride, 140mg of magnesium, and 50mcg of calcium, and that’s from quality sources like pink Himalayan salt and the premium Aquamin marine-sourced minerals.

Chaos and Pain has thrown a few vitamins into Carnal Hydration by way of vitamin C and various B vitamins, with the entire combination specifically rolled together for the hydration category to support that specific system for better performance as well as recovery. You can get the latest from Chaos and Pain straight from its online store at $39.99, and again that is for twice the usual 30 servings a tub at 60, and there is just one flavor to choose from to start in a classic Fruit Punch called Cataclysm Citrus Punch.