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Premium Canadian competitor VNDL begins testing a seemingly all-new supplement

Vndl Invties Testers Of Mystery Innovation

VNDL is one of the newer and more premium sports nutrition brands out of Canada, and we were proud to have it involved in this year’s hand-crafted Stack3d Pavilion at the Arnold Sports Festival. It brought all of its great-tasting and well-put-together supplements, including its signature stimulant pre-workout Vandal and stackable pump pre-workout V-Pump. The brand covers many different categories, its most recent addition came a few months ago in Clean Greens, and it looks like we’re about to get another.

Recently, VNDL brought a handful of people into its headquarters to test out an upcoming supplement, and we have to assume it is going to be something completely new. The mystery product was tested out in a variety of flavors and in powder format, again leading us to believe it is indeed an innovation separate from anything else it already has out there. If we had to guess, with the current trends of the market, a dedicated hydration supplement seems most likely and a nice fit for the quality VNDL family.

As mentioned, VNDL has pre-workout, covered, stimulant and stim-free, as well as superfood, nootropic, multivitamin, weight loss, amino acids, and a handful of basic, essential-style items. A hydration product would be a great addition to the family, or another trending category that could fit is a new and improved version of the Vandal pre-workout. We’ll just have to wait and see to find out exactly what the brand has been working on behind the scenes, and be sure to stay tuned here at Stack3d to find out all about it.

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