Since the transition from ASC Supplements to Xtremis Cartel, the brand has been gradually bringing over products from its original sports nutrition selection to Xtremis, one by one, and each time it’s made tweaks and changes for the better. The latest up to bat is the sleep aid Sueno, and the formula hasn’t changed too much, as it has maintained many of its bigger dosed ingredients, including 4g of glycine, 2g each of inositol and taurine, a gram of tryptophan, and a favorite of ours, GABA, and a respectable 3g.
We’ve got the facts panel for Xtremis Cartel’s Sueno below and those who remember the original will notice where things start to get a bit different. There is no more l-dopa in the latest iteration of the rest and recovery supplement, but in place of that is 50mg of patented Venetron, a premium apocynum venetum leaf extract promoted by its distributor for its ability to reduce stress, improve wellbeing, and support better quality sleep.

Another addition to the formula power the return of Sueno under Xtremis Cartel is melatonin, although there was some melatonin in the original. This time around, instead of getting a solid 5mg of melatonin in its full serving, you get 6mg split into half regular melatonin and the other half time-released Microactive melatonin. On paper, it looks as though fans will get a similar experience to the previous Sueno due to all of the consistencies, plus a bit more help in the area of stress, relaxation, and deep sleep with the melatonin and intriguing Venetron.
Xtremis Cartel plans on rolling out its new and improved Sueno shortly, and another area you can look forward to some changes for the better is on the flavor side of things. The reputable brand is relaunching its rest and recovery supplement in two flavors, both of them said to be step ups from the original menu in Dreamin’ Grapes and a citrusy Dreamin’ Lemons. Fans can also look forward to the same number of servings per tub with 20 maximum, or if you don’t mind half the dosages mentioned, you’ll get 40.