Vital Proteins has introduced two completely new supplements, neither of them drifting too far from its core category of collagen, in fact, they’re both collagen-based but have additional ingredients alongside that to further specific benefits of collagen. The innovations are Vital Proteins Hair Complex and Skin Complex; the former is the one we’re going over in this post, which, again, is based around collagen but has an extra feature to further the benefit called out in its name.
Hair Complex from Vital Proteins is essentially a specialized, hair-health collagen supplement that has a hefty dose of regular bovine collagen peptides at 20g a serving, in turn providing 18g of protein and 80 calories. Alongside that, and making Hair Complex more than your typical collagen product, you get 160mg of the premium and proven Lustriva from Nutrition21, which combines with the 20g of collagen to support thicker, fuller hair, as well as improve your quality of hair.
As mentioned, Vital Protein’s Hair Complex is another collagen-based supplement from the well-established and rather popular health and wellness brand, with the twist that it’s geared more towards hair health and quality heavily thanks to the inclusion of Lustriva. The product does, of course, cost more than your basic standalone collagen, but not by a huge amount at $29.99 or $25.49 on subscription over at vitalproteins.com for a bottle of 16 versatile unflavored servings.