Colostrum has had a place in the sports nutrition industry for several years, relied on for its recovery and immunity benefits; two areas that when properly supported lead to better performance and strength, as well as muscle growth. For those that haven’t been keeping up, as it sometimes happens to ingredients, colostrum has been creeping into the mainstream realm for its overall health and wellness effects, leading to companies outside of sports nutrition putting together colostrum products, mostly standalone.
The collagen specialist Vital Proteins is the latest to get in on the rise of colostrum with its straightforward comeptitor simply named Vital Proteins Colostrum. The brand has only the title ingredient in the supplement at a moderate 1.35g of bovine colostrum in a three capsule-serving, working out to 450mg in each pill. Vital Proteins also transparently lists the standardization of IgG in its colostrum, not something you’ll see from most comeptitors, proudly yielding 40%, working out to 540mg of IgG per serving.
This is a standalone supplement, meaning Vital Proteins gives you the ability to scale your serving and get more out of Colostrum, whether that’s five capsules for 2.25g of colostrum or seven to break past the 3g mark and go to 3.15g. The downside to that is the amount of servings per bottle does come down drastically, with 90 capsules in total. The price of the supplement is on the high side considering it’s a standalone colostrum at $45 when shopping direct with the health and wellness brand at vitalproteins.com.