Senshi is the second supplement from the upcoming relaunch of the hardcore sports nutrition specialist Anarchy Labs, a pre-workout separate from the already announced Ronin, which is something this can actually be stacked and used alongside. While Ronin is all about energy and focus, packed full of high-powered stimulants, Senshi goes the other direction, being completely stimulant-free, and it focuses around an entirely different benefit in better muscle pumps.
Anarchy Labs Senshi has four familiar and reliable ingredients, and again, they’re all there for the purpose of providing better muscle pumps, going nicely with Ronin, as it supports an area that pre-workout is intentionally lacking. The stimulant-free Senshi includes a robust dosage of 5g of straight citrulline in half of a scoop or a huge 10g in the maximum single-scoop serving, of which you get 40 regular or half servings, and 20 maximum, the exact same split as found in Ronin.

The other ingredients Anarchy Labs has packed into its Senshi pre-workout are half a gram of Himalayan pink salt for hydration and performance, CellFlo6 at 600mg a serving, and last but not least, there is the ever-present AstraGin at an effective 50mg to improve absorption and efficacy. Senshi is a relatively simple and straightforward supplement in terms of the ingredients it utilizes, although, as the brand is known for, it includes stacked dosages that you won’t find in many other competitors.
Senshi is hitting the market this coming Friday through Anarchy Labs’ separate and dedicated online store, where you can exclusively buy any of its six different sports nutrition supplements. The stimulant-free, pump-powering pre-workout is debuting with Ronin as well as a before cardio item, a potent fat burner, testosterone booster, and a nootropic. It is most definitely going to be a huge launch and a welcome moment for fans of the original lineup from years ago.