Gaming supplement company Sneak is no stranger to unique and incredibly interesting special edition flavors and products, and this is something you may have heard from us here at Stack3d many times, purely because it has happened many times. We can’t forget the creativity behind Blankberry, a flavor of the brand’s signature energy and focus supplement that didn’t have any design on its bottle, it was simply blank; and earlier this year, Sneak got together with a burger restaurant, and together they made the Sneak Burger with Tropikilla hot sauce mayo on it.
Sneak is back at it right before the close of the year, showing its creativity once again with a truly special edition flavor of Sneak Energy called Untitled. The product doesn’t have a precise flavor name, just the vague description of being fruity, but the mysteriousness of the taste is not why it’s called Untitled. The bottle the flavor innovation comes in has nothing on its front; it’s blank. The idea is that it’s a blank slate, and Sneak encourages fans to get creative by drawing their own artwork on the supplement and even giving it a name to replace the unexciting Untitled.
The Untitled flavor of Sneak Energy is currently very exclusive, with the only way to get your hands on it is through the gaming brand’s Elite program, where you can redeem purchase points for prizes. In there, the blank space-covered Untitled can be all yours for 3,000 points. Thankfully, if you’re not anywhere near that and would be happy to just pay for the product, it will be available for purchase in the US and United Kingdom in the middle of next month.