V Energy may not be a beverage or energy drink brand you’re overly familiar with, but down under in Australia and New Zealand, it is a beast of a competitor, especially in its home country of those two. The company has had dominating shares over the years, and in that time, it has grown beyond its original green-colored offering into various flavors and series. The additional flavors of the flagship V Energy Drink include the likes of Blue, Black, Tropical Tang, Raspberry Lemonade, and now Grape Burst.
The newly released Grape Burst, which is currently making its way out to stockists across its strong markets of Australia and New Zealand, is exclusively for the core V Energy Drink, not a part of the delicious and better-for-you Refresh Series, nor does it have a sugar-free alternative. That does mean you get a full hit of sugar, like the other regular flavors, getting up to as high as the Blue V Energy Drink, packing 69.5g of carbohydrates, 69g of that sugar, and a hefty calorie count of 294 in a 500ml can.
We’re not sure what the nutrition on the all-new Grape Burst V Energy Drink is, but carbohydrates, sugar, and calories play a role, and that is alongside the brand’s usual active ingredient blend of B vitamins, taurine, guarana, and 78mg of caffeine in a 250ml V Energy Drink and a more uplifting 156mg in the full-size can.