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Latest AML supplement hints at a combination of vitamins and weight loss

Advanced Molecular Labs Thermo Heat Multi

Advanced Molecular Labs are looking to continue growing their line after last month’s unveiling of the category titled PostWorkout. An image has surfaced showing off all of the brand’s supplements, which doesn’t actually feature four different formulas as we have come to know. In total Advanced Molecular’s family photograph sees five products in the frame, the fifth one being the bottle printed with a bit of green, Thermo Heat Multi. Unlike PostWorkout we don’t have a whole lot of information on the multi-vitamin supplement, one that based on its titled does leave us wondering a little. The first half of the product’s title does see AML keep with their fat burning naming convention, following on from the original Thermo Heat and Thermo Heat PM. The catch with Thermo Heat Multi however is that it combines the power of a multi-vitamin and weight loss, a rare mix that we would like to get the facts panel for to see how deep AML have gone. We can’t imagine Thermo Heat Multi arriving before PostWorkout since it has only just been unveiled, and PostWorkout dates back to January. Either way both of the brand’s supplements are being listed as coming soon, with no exact day, week or month for when we’ll be seeing either of the two.