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There are more ingredients in a protein bar, what is Lecheek nutrition doing with IntraTest

LeCheek Nutrition got a tiny feature with their pre-workout and they managed to set a record from the most least interesting concentrate on the market today. Surprise again. There is another item in the line that might just bring tears to your eyes as a test booster. The name is pretty awesome but on the inside. Just two ingredients. DAA and macuna pruriens. Just because you through in DAA these days it does not make it a testosterone booster. It makes it DAA. Do not stop there though, it has an xtreme recovery blend of Leucine, Glutamine, Valine, Isoleucine. Straight from the promo, this should finish it off nicely. “Increase Free Testosterone Up To 167%, Increase HGH Levels, Keep Your Body Anabolic, Decrease Recovery Time, 6900 mg of BCAAs and Glutamine” and “Best Tasting Product on the Market”.

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