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Warm welcome to another high end protein powder, Cytosport’s Monster Milk is pretty much a 3 in 1 supplement

Reformulated for the big year 2012. The dark side brand of Cytosport nicely named Monster. Has got a protein powder to fit right at home for the muscle build enthusiast. First of all do not be put off by the 24 serves the 4lb+ tub offers up. That is thanks to the 50g protein which totals up from 2 scoops. Price? Well if you are after price then hit the normal Muscle Milk, Monster is for the ones after that little bit more punch. The high end brands will not sell you short, if the price is high usually it is because they have put enough in to justify the price. Cyto slaps BCAA’s, vitamins and aminos all over this. The closet one to compare this to would be Nitro-Tech believe it or not. Which as very fitting for it’s price. Monster Milk may be a margin higher but it has a few stand outs that Nitro does not. Creatine, beta alanine and something not many even bother with, dietary fibre. You can look at the monster range and think there is not much there to stack. Take one look at Monster Milk’s label and you will soon realize they have combined someone’s regular 3 way stack. The world welcomes another high end protein.

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