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Big Bang is not worth the extra bucks, Scitec’s Blood is the cheaper and better of the two


Big Bang is the larger more ingredient packed pre-workout supplement from Scitec. The review on Hot blood explained just how different this brand is. The performance without the punch, the power without the energy, it was a product from another planet. Big Bang was meant to be bigger and better, since Hot Blood was so good it just had to be put to the test. So here is the review comparing the two

Scitec’s Hot Blood set itself a part from every other pre-workout ever reviewed. It supplies muscle performance like no other. There is no pump, crazy sweat or overdrive of energy. The body just does the weight, increases warm ups and big lifts like nothing. It is as if the muscles are two or three minutes a head of you.

Big Bang has almost 8g more ingredients than Hot Blood. In total the heavier powder has 9 proprietary blends unlike Blood which has just 5. Some of them are the same just going under different names. You would think with the G-Bomb, Big Pump and Pentacarn complexes, mixed in with things as unique as tribulus there would be a change in effects.

Believe it or not, the higher price of Big Bang is not justified by it’s performance. Hot Blood may be cheaper and smaller per serve but it offers the exact same feeling, if not better, as the golden pre-workout. Do not think anything bad of the supplement. To be on the same level as Hot Blood is an achievement by itself.

By all means give the Scitec product a go if you get the chance. However if you are looking to purchase a pre-workout and price is a factor go for Blood. Even if money is not an issue. It costs about $5-10 less and comes in 7 flavors as opposed to Big Bangs singular orange. To sum it up, it works, it’s just too bad it has to sit on the shelf next to (marginally stronger) Hot Blood.

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