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Patent Pending Anabolic named Versa-1, USP Labs set a launch date of January 8th

The temporary name of USP Labs’ upcoming supplement was Patent Pending Anabolic. Now, with a launch date in hand and a large amount of reviewers under it’s belt. Fans can look forward to the first btach of Versa-1 on January 8th, next year. The product seems to be yet another one of a kind from USP Labs. The downside to playing the risky never before seen card is that the general market don’t always put their faith in something no one else is making. However we have all seen the power of what a well researched formula can do to the industry. USP Labs may not have sparked every competitors interests with supplements like Yok3d (Nanostim) or Compound 20 (Solid) but they did light fires in a number of categories with Jack3d, OxyElite, Modern BCAA, Test Powder and Recreate.

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