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3.3lb Gold Standard and then some, Optimum Nutrition increase their flavors not their range

Last year Optimum Nutrition announced that they had a new size of Gold Standard coming that somehow managed to fulfill the needs of people wanting to not purchase a 5lb, or a 2lb, but a 3.3lb tub. The unique size has only managed to launch itself in three flavors, and despite originally only being available at The 100% Whey variant is now up for sale at most Optimum stockists. If you have been keeping an eye on the brand you’ll also have noticed they have brought along three more new options for 2013. AmiN.O. Energy has managed to get watermelon on to it’s menu, 2lb 100% Casein is now available in cookie dough, and the larger 3.5lb tubs of Platinum Hydrowhey can be purchased in chocolate peanut butter. Most of these new options will be hard to hunt down as only a few retailers are stocking all of them.

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