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Experiment with the Gear Up Stack, BSN box up 12 days of testosterone supplementation

BSN release their testosterone boosting Gear Up Stack

The special edition BSN Gear Up Stack that was previewed a number of weeks ago has finally surfaced. The supplement combo was previewed to consist of two bottles, one Aromavex and one Evotest. While separately the products do contain enough to see you through 22 or 23 days. The box set packs custom cut versions to last users a little over half of the full size supplements, with a total of 12 days. As far as price goes the Gear Up Stack doesn’t look like it is going to cost you anymore than a regular of bottle of Aromavex or Evotest. Which does present BSN fans the unique opportunity to experiment not just with the two working in unison. But even cycled for 24 days, with Evotest for the first half and Aromavex for the second. In our reviews neither of the products proved to be overly impressive, or great value for money if stacked together. However the special edition set does give users a chance to try both supplements at almost half the price of their full size variants.

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