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SXX watches launch with six variants not four, Scitec Nutrition add two options for women

Scitec Nutrition launch their SXX mens and womens watches

Scitec Nutrition have been a bit busy over the past few months with their reformulation launches from the new year, the release of the Muscle Army range, and let’s not forget all the big events the brand have been attending. Today however we need you to wind back a bit further, to December of last year. The brand previewed a SXX item that wasn’t something you would usually see from a supplement company. The product was a watch, that was originally confirmed in four colors, black, elegant black, sporty orange, and silver. Now, almost seven months after the initial preview, Scitec have launched the watch range, with an additional two variants. Female fans of the brand will be happy to hear that they have had two products designed specifically for them, an all white version, and white with purple hands. Scitec have listed the watches as available, so they should be arriving at your local stockist soon.

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